It is with great pride and pleasure that I start my term as President of the PMI Central Ohio Chapter. My commitment to you, our members, is to give you my best this year as I strive to continue the tradition of exemplary leadership that the Chapter has enjoyed so far. My sincere thanks to the leaders who came before me for their efforts in skillfully navigating the chapter through the recent challenging times.
Allow me to share my vision for the Chapter as we go forward into 2023. We will begin by “re-energizing” our focus to you, our members. This will be the “Year of the PMI Central Ohio Chapter Member” as we will aim to offer events and experiences that enhance your careers and provide opportunities for you to learn and grow in the Project Management profession.
∙To enrich and expand our network, we will explore partnering with other Ohio Chapters for professional development and networking events.
∙We want to grow our membership by reaching out to all the PMs’ out there that may not be certified or never thought PMI was for them.
∙We will continue to build awareness of PMI and PMI Central Ohio Chapter by participating in other professional development events.
∙We want to grow our SUCCESSFUL outreach program even more and help other PMI chapters with their outreach programs.
∙We want to educate more young people how essential and exciting it is to be a Project Manager and helps with everyday life skills.
Today’s projects are complex and demanding and today’s project manager must have a diverse skillset and a strong support network to be successful. I hope PMI Central Ohio Chapter can be part of your support network and I invite you to become an active member of the PMI Central Ohio Chapter team by joining us at the next professional networking event.
Finally, if you are looking for an opportunity to build and practice new skills, promote your “brand” or just earn a few PDU’s, please consider volunteering with the chapter.
Talent Wins Games but Teamwork and Intelligence Win Championships” – Michael Jordan
Let’s make a difference together, come be a part of our team!
Deb Ducmanas